Vote November 4 for Patricia Martinez-Roach/ East Side Union High School District Board of Trustees
Experience and Qualifications/ Experiencia y Credentiales
My experience includes serving on local school boards and commissions for 21 years. I am driven by my personal experiences and I want to continue to help and protect those who are not able to fight for themselves. I am known for fighting for what is right and not being afraid to speak against corruption and unfairness.
There are three major issues facing East Side Union High School District:
With the continued increase in crime and gangs in the schools, Board Members must have the experience and knowledge to be able to find solutions to the many students who are getting into trouble. There must be a strong bond between families and schools.
I have the experience and proven track record to get the job done.
Many students do not graduate from High School. Schools must be held accountable for the students and their achievement. Board Members can be leaders and find innovative programs which would give equal and effective opportunities for students to learn.
I have the experience and proven track record to get the job done.
Fiscal Stability/Estabilidad Fiscal
East Side continues to deficit spend and over spend in many unnecessary projects; millions of dollars have gone into construction projects without the proper over site. I have been critical of wasteful taxpayer money. The district cut libraries, personnel without cutting administrative costs.
I have the proven experience and proven track record to get the job done.
The current board is supported by special interest groups. I don't answer to special interest. I answer to you-the public.
It would be an honor to have your support.
P.O. Box 730431; San Jose, California 95173 408 254-9864 www.LatinasNow.Com